Please download the following scientific publications for more background information on Arctic ice shelves and ecosystems. The most recent papers are at the top of the list.
Copland, L., Mueller, D., and L. Weir. Rapid loss of the Ayles Ice Shelf, Ellesmere Island, Canada. 2007. Geophys. Res. Let. 34 [doi:10.1029/2007GL031809] PDF
Mueller, D.R., Vincent, W.F. and Jeffries, M.O. 2006, Environmental gradients, fragmented habitats and microbiota of a northern ice shelf cryo-ecosystem, Ellesmere Island, Canada, Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research 38: 593-607. PDF
Mueller, D.R. and Vincent, W.F. 2005. Microbial habitat dynamics and ablation control on the Ward Hunt Ice Shelf. Hydrological Processes 20: 857-876. PDF
Mueller, D.R., Vincent, W.F., Bonilla, S. & Laurion, I. 2005. Extremophiles, extremotrophs and broadband pigmentation strategies in a high arctic ice shelf ecosystem. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 53: 73-87. PDF
Vincent, W.F., Mueller, D.R & Van Hove, P. 2004. Break-up and climate change at Canada's northern coast, Quttinirpaaq national Park. Meridian, Spring/Summer p. 1-6. PDF
Vincent, W.F., Mueller, D., Van Hove, P. & Howard-Williams, C. 2004. Glacial periods on early Earth and implications for the evolution of life. In: J. Seckbach (ed.) Origins: Genesis, Evolution and Diversity of Life. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. pp. 481-501. PDF
Vincent, W.F., Mueller, D.R & Bonilla, S. 2004. Ecosystems on ice: the microbial ecology of Markham Ice Shelf in the High Arctic. Cryobiology 48: 103-112. PDF
Mueller, D.R., Vincent, W.F., and Jeffries, M.O. 2003. Break-up of the largest Arctic ice shelf and associated loss of an epishelf lake. Geophysical Research Letters 30: 2031, doi:10.1029/2003GL017931. PDF
Mueller, D.R., Jeffries, M.O., and Vincent, W.F. 2003. Ice shelf break-up and ecosystem loss in the Canadian High Arctic. Eos, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union 84: 548,552. PDF
Jeffries, M.O. 2002. Ellesmere Island ice shelves and ice islands. In: Williams Jr, R.S and Ferrigno, J.G. (ed.) Satellite Image Atlas of Glaciers of the World. US Geological Survey Professional Paper, USGS. pp. J147-J164. PDF
Van Hove, P., Swadling, K., Gibson, J.A.E., Belzile, C. & Vincent, W.F. 2001. Farthest north lake and fjord populations of calanoid copepods in the Canadian High Arctic . Polar Biology 24:303-307. PDF
Vincent, W.F., Gibson, J.A.E., and M.O. Jeffries. 2001. Ice-shelf collapse, climate change, and habitat loss in the Canadian high Arctic. Polar Record 38: 133-142. PDF
Vincent, W.F., Gibson, J.A.E., Pienitz, R., Villeneuve, V., Broady, P.A., Hamilton, P.B. & Howard-Williams, C. 2000 Ice shelf microbial ecosystems in the high Arctic and implications for life on snowball earth. Naturwissenschaften 87: 137-141. PDF
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